Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fear Itself: Deadpool Issue 1 of 3 review by Marcmann

The new Fear Itself series by Marvel comics Is releasing yet another fan favorite of mine: Deadpool. Why Deadpool you may ask? Well, Wade Wilson reminds me alot like myself to be honest with you. He's funny, sarcastic, foul sense of humor, Violent, he gets the ladies, a total badass, and an all around comedian. As yo all may know, this time around Is absolutely no different.

So apparently, a big bad booty man called the Serpent Is dropping magical hammers from the sky which grant super powered individuals strength for destroying the world. It has also been made apparent by Deadpool that self destructing skulls are cool. Exploding skull hammers ruined a family's home but for some reason Wade has really good connections with plumbers. Flaming bees blowup monster trucks and a Walrus robs a cab driver for 54 dollars and a video rental card. The Spectre of Mass Destruction wants to work with the Walrus to wield total power. And by the way, where the hell Is Cimarron, New Mexico?

I am a huge Deadpool fan. He was also my first tattoo, and this was a fun read. Enjoy Fear Itself and be on the lookout for the next issue. See you In Cimarron, where ever the hell that Is.

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