Monday, June 13, 2011

Flashpoint: Part 1 of 5 review by Marcmann

Batman, Superman, the Joker, Wonder Woman......these are all names we are familiar with In the comic book world. But now, this past May, Dc Comics has brought yet another series of superheroes alike. Bringing the forefront of names that may come off more familiar: (Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman), here comes another series entitled: Flashpoint. Story by Geoff Johns.

Part 1 starts off the story of Barry Allen: a young scientist realizes that his world has changed alot since his past. He has alot of haunting memories and he has to gain back those good times. The beginning would often leave you wondering just exactly what Is wrong with him. When he became the flash, he found a family, a wife, and really good friends( Justice League of America). Barry awakes from a dream from pulling an all nighter. The case of trying to solve the murder of Miss Alchemy and the involvement of Citizen Cold and the Rogues (Read Brightest Day series).

Meanwhile, In Gotham City, Batman seeks out revenge for the Joker as he kidnapped judge Dent's twins. He then encounters one of his nemesis, the Yo Yo. As Batman seeks answers and lets Yo Yo off the top of a building. Cyborg from Teen Titans comes to rescue her and catch her from falling. Cyborg spends a good deal of his time trying to organize a team to destory Wonder Woman and Aquaman before 2 bad worlds collide and destroy an entire planet. Everyone Is In line to vote: ( Element Woman, Abin Sur,Tthe Outsider, etc) and even Citizen Cold!!! Although Citizen Cold Is a huge rival towards a good deal of the DC characters, they still agreed to take teams.A surprise by Captain Thunder was even In appearance.  When Batman was offered to join by Cyborg, Batman refused and felt they didn't stand a chance.

Flashpoint Issue 1 by Geoff Johns.
Barry Allen then meets Batman for the first time as Barry Allen enters Gotham city and Is viciously attacked. Barry then realizes that the real Bruce Wayne Is dead and It Is Thomas Wayne who Is the new Batman. Part 1 Is a very anticipated issue for me. I enjoyed It and I plan on keeping up with the ongoing 5 part series. Geoff Johns Is a excellent writer and Im a fan of his Brightest Day/Blackest Night series as well. Kudos to Andy Kubert on the cover as well. This Is a series that has been anticipated In the DC universe and there Is more to come. Flashpoint Is a great read and Is for fans of any DC or Flash title. Highly recommended.

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