Thursday, June 16, 2011

Invision Comics: Genecy #1 by Gerald Cooper. Review by Marcmann comics

There are alot of Indie titles out there In the comic world today. Some good, some bad, and others are in between. Alot of the times I find myself reading indie titles that are in between. Boring story lines, bland artwork,  and just a not so great concept. However, I recently fell Into one title that caught my eye. I have been seeing his work on facebook for quite some time now and I gotta say, this guy definitely has potential. Gerald Cooper reached out to me and brought to the table something interesting. A concept I haven't heard or seen. He brought me "Genecy".

part 1 starts off as The Chosen, the cosmic tale of very powerful Barbarians. The introduction states the nation known as Grunnod, which instincts are to steal the freedom and joy that lies within other galaxys. story, both In which are prisoners. The Grunnods are on a search to find a defiant sheppard which holds great ancient power. Geshema captures one of the prisoners and finds himself being scorched In a high pitch blast. He survives the blast and gives Kaizaxx a key which unlocks a drastic amount of unremarkable powers. Kaizaxxx then reaches another destination planet, then the journey really begins.

I really enjoyed the creativity of this comic. As Gerald would like to quote: "Conan meets the Silver Surfer". Great concept, the artwork Is outstanding, the story lines build up to It's actual potential. Kudos to Eddy Barrows on the Illustration and design. This book definitely has a great cornerstone for further Issues and I would recommend that anyone who Is a fan of Sci-fi or any type of fantasy novel should definitely check this out. For fans of Hercules, Conan, Silver Surfer, and Thanos. If you would like to check out Gerald Cooper and Invision comics you can contact him at:

Marcmann Comics

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