Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Flashpoint: Part 2 of 5 review by Marcmann

The new summer series: Flashpoint, by DC comics features many characters within the DC universe. With series by Wonder Woman, Batman, Booster Gold, the Green Lantern, and so forth, a big part that captivates my attention the most Is Barry Allen: The Flash. This Is part 2 of 5 of the Flashpoint series.

So where did we leave off In the last issue? Well Thomas Wayne finds Barry Allen has somehow entered the Batcave. Without logical reasoning and understanding, within seconds Thomas proceeds to beat the living hell out of Barry, nearly destroying his own property. Finally, Barry gets a chance to explain whats been going on. Barry doesn't have his powers and his memory's have been erased. His lost power Is possessed In a ring which Is made of Friction proof material expanding with contact Into the air. What came out unfortunately was Professor Zoom, The Reverse Flash costume. His real name Is Eobard Thawne, a 25th century scientist who can change history.

Barry and Thomas then head out to Themyscira to find power. With the Amazonians and Atlantians at war, the search for Lois Lane, the lost of Superman to Doomsday, and Queen Diana capture Steve Trevor of thr U.S.S.F for hostage. Barry Is strapped to an electric chair. Doused with chemicals and lightning, he Is shocked with lightning and Is damn near burned to death.

This Is a crazy part 2 issue. Definitely did not expect It to end like this. Good stuff from Flashpoint and DC. If you are a fan I would recommend you would check this out. Really creative stuff. I like the art and how the writers are bringing alot of depth to the story lines. At the end It even explains the origins of the characters. Another point plus from the DC Universe.

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