Sunday, June 19, 2011

Brightest Day Issue 2: The Flash review by Marcmann comics

The Flash Is one of the more powerful characters In the DC Universe. Barry Allen's storyline Is very deep and interesting with his background as a scientist and his always powerful wit of exploring and experimenting new ideas. This Brightest Day series by DC comics Is sure to bring new fans of comics In General Into the Flash.

Barry Is still having a hard time adjusting to the real world. With the old school ethics of never giving up and keep on moving, It Is sure to believe that this case will take the reader In one hell of a ride. Flash Is believed to be under arrest by Captain Cold and his crew of Renegades for the murder of  Mirror Monarch. Its been made apparent that the Flash Is completely guilty of this crime. The Renegades try to stop the Flash, but he get away as a destroyed building with a family Is concealed with danger. Barry then alerts his attention to the family by rescuing them out, and running them to safety. The Flash then reconstructs and rebuilds a building with effortless time.

As Barry heads back Into Central City office, he gathers around fellow co workers In attempt to solve the unsolved murder case. Barry continues to open the case and solve the crime. They find a sample of DNA and process It Into the computer. Needless to say, Barry Allen's name Is the first name to pop up. This Is a great part 2 Into the Flash's Brightest Daya series. Check It out If you're Into the Flash or just comic books In general.

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