Saturday, August 6, 2011

Flashpoint Issue 3 review by Marcmann

DC Comics and the Dc Universe present a new 52 issue series by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert entitled: Flashpoint. This Is part 3 of 5: Project Superman revealed.

Batman and Barry Allen have put all differences aside and have teamed up together to figure out a new plan after realizing Barry’s powers are no longer In use. Barry tried to convince Batman that Professor Zoom was wrong In alot of his calculations and preassumptions to his power. Cyborg then teams up with Batman and Barry to discover the newest project for Project Superman. Cyborg and the crew head out to the new Metropolis to try and stop the project from self destruction.

Issue 3 doesn’t really do alot of justice. The plot doesn’t really move forward, and It leaves the reader wondering what happens next. Geoff and Andy have two more  issues to really step It up and excite me as far as Im concerned. Flashpoint Is a great series, but for part 3. I think I’m gonna take a raincheck on this one.

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