Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flashpoint: Project Superman issue 1 review by Marcmann

It seems that the DC universe keeps getting more interesting by the minute. A new intake of the Flashpoint series has taken place and It begins a new stage within It's 52 issue series. The new project: Project Superman, Is sure to take the readers on a new journey that Superman fans have never been before.

Issue 1 starts off telling the story of Lieutenant Sinclair, a young solider who was aware of superhuman strength and the cause and effect of the universe. Sinclair Is given the open opportunity to obtain the  power of a true superhero, alot of changes don't always go as planned.  This story has a Captain America/ Super Solider feel to It considering the theories of DNA genetic testing and experimenting on trying to build a superhero. 

Lowell Francis and Scott Snyder are definitely bringing a fresh, new, and interesting concept to the table. I really like the fact that this story isn't overdrawn, and they are actually taking the time out to really explain to the reader what the story line is about, rather than drawing us to the middle with no beginning. Definitely unlike any other Superman story you have read about. The inking and artwork Is  9. out of 10 In my opinion. Definitely another title you should check out from the DC universe.

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