Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fear Itself: Deadpool Issue 1 of 3 review by Marcmann

The new Fear Itself series by Marvel comics Is releasing yet another fan favorite of mine: Deadpool. Why Deadpool you may ask? Well, Wade Wilson reminds me alot like myself to be honest with you. He's funny, sarcastic, foul sense of humor, Violent, he gets the ladies, a total badass, and an all around comedian. As yo all may know, this time around Is absolutely no different.

So apparently, a big bad booty man called the Serpent Is dropping magical hammers from the sky which grant super powered individuals strength for destroying the world. It has also been made apparent by Deadpool that self destructing skulls are cool. Exploding skull hammers ruined a family's home but for some reason Wade has really good connections with plumbers. Flaming bees blowup monster trucks and a Walrus robs a cab driver for 54 dollars and a video rental card. The Spectre of Mass Destruction wants to work with the Walrus to wield total power. And by the way, where the hell Is Cimarron, New Mexico?

I am a huge Deadpool fan. He was also my first tattoo, and this was a fun read. Enjoy Fear Itself and be on the lookout for the next issue. See you In Cimarron, where ever the hell that Is.

Flashpoint: Part 2 of 5 review by Marcmann

The new summer series: Flashpoint, by DC comics features many characters within the DC universe. With series by Wonder Woman, Batman, Booster Gold, the Green Lantern, and so forth, a big part that captivates my attention the most Is Barry Allen: The Flash. This Is part 2 of 5 of the Flashpoint series.

So where did we leave off In the last issue? Well Thomas Wayne finds Barry Allen has somehow entered the Batcave. Without logical reasoning and understanding, within seconds Thomas proceeds to beat the living hell out of Barry, nearly destroying his own property. Finally, Barry gets a chance to explain whats been going on. Barry doesn't have his powers and his memory's have been erased. His lost power Is possessed In a ring which Is made of Friction proof material expanding with contact Into the air. What came out unfortunately was Professor Zoom, The Reverse Flash costume. His real name Is Eobard Thawne, a 25th century scientist who can change history.

Barry and Thomas then head out to Themyscira to find power. With the Amazonians and Atlantians at war, the search for Lois Lane, the lost of Superman to Doomsday, and Queen Diana capture Steve Trevor of thr U.S.S.F for hostage. Barry Is strapped to an electric chair. Doused with chemicals and lightning, he Is shocked with lightning and Is damn near burned to death.

This Is a crazy part 2 issue. Definitely did not expect It to end like this. Good stuff from Flashpoint and DC. If you are a fan I would recommend you would check this out. Really creative stuff. I like the art and how the writers are bringing alot of depth to the story lines. At the end It even explains the origins of the characters. Another point plus from the DC Universe.

Marcmann Comics- A secret from Atlanta we can no longer contain!

Marcmann Comics- A secret from Atlanta we can no longer contain!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Brightest Day Issue 2: The Flash review by Marcmann comics

The Flash Is one of the more powerful characters In the DC Universe. Barry Allen's storyline Is very deep and interesting with his background as a scientist and his always powerful wit of exploring and experimenting new ideas. This Brightest Day series by DC comics Is sure to bring new fans of comics In General Into the Flash.

Barry Is still having a hard time adjusting to the real world. With the old school ethics of never giving up and keep on moving, It Is sure to believe that this case will take the reader In one hell of a ride. Flash Is believed to be under arrest by Captain Cold and his crew of Renegades for the murder of  Mirror Monarch. Its been made apparent that the Flash Is completely guilty of this crime. The Renegades try to stop the Flash, but he get away as a destroyed building with a family Is concealed with danger. Barry then alerts his attention to the family by rescuing them out, and running them to safety. The Flash then reconstructs and rebuilds a building with effortless time.

As Barry heads back Into Central City office, he gathers around fellow co workers In attempt to solve the unsolved murder case. Barry continues to open the case and solve the crime. They find a sample of DNA and process It Into the computer. Needless to say, Barry Allen's name Is the first name to pop up. This Is a great part 2 Into the Flash's Brightest Daya series. Check It out If you're Into the Flash or just comic books In general.

Brightest Day Issue 2: The Flash review by Marcmann comics

The Flash Is one of the more powerful characters In the DC Universe. Barry Allen's storyline Is very deep and interesting with his background as a scientist and his always powerful wit of exploring and experimenting new ideas. This Brightest Day series by DC comics Is sure to bring new fans of comics In General Into the Flash.

Barry Is still having a hard time adjusting to the real world. With the old school ethics of never giving up and keep on moving, It Is sure to believe that this case will take the reader In one hell of a ride. Flash Is believed to be under arrest by Captain Cold and his crew of Renegades for the murder of  Mirror Monarch. Its been made apparent that the Flash Is completely guilty of this crime. The Renegades try to stop the Flash, but he get away as a destroyed building with a family Is concealed with danger. Barry then alerts his attention to the family by rescuing them out, and running them to safety. The Flash then reconstructs and rebuilds a building with effortless time.

As Barry heads back Into Central City office, he gathers around fellow co workers In attempt to solve the unsolved murder case. Barry continues to open the case and solve the crime. They find a sample of DNA and process It Into the computer. Needless to say, Barry Allen's name Is the first name to pop up. This Is a great part 2 Into the Flash's Brightest Daya series. Check It out If you're Into the Flash or just comic books In general.

Brightest Day Issue 1: Review by Marcmann Comics.

After the Blackest Night comes the Brightest Day, a year long 26 issue series from the DC Universe written by Geoff Johns. It Is the rebirth of the DC series and features two of DC's most prominent characters: The Flash and Green Lantern. This time I will give a quick review of Issue 1 Brightest Day: The Flash.

Police Scientist Barry Allen lives his day to day life In Central city offices, but when the murder of the rogues takes place, Barry must solve this bizzare crime under mysterious circumstances. It Is believed to be Captain Cold who committed the murders, but you will have to learn more In issue 2.

Not much happens In issue 1 as you can see. But If you're a fan of the Flash or just DC comics or even comic books In general, this Is a great read. Alot of the incidents occur from the Blackest Night series. Excellent cover, excellent artwork. Geoff Johns Is definitely one of my favorite writers In the comic world today. Great job from all the guys working on the brightest day series.

Flashpoint Issue 1: Abin Sur review by Marcmann comics

The Flashpoint series has been so far an interesting cycle. With wonders of whether or not this series will expand upon the DC Universe, It's guaranteed to bring a power impact to the comic world In general. With a Flashpoint for Batman, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, the Flash, and now we have a series for Abin Sur. This Is apart of the Green Lantern collection, but It's documentations are slightly different the least to say. Issue 1 pretty much explains the whole she-bang.

The story starts off as Abin Sur telling his beliefs of how all life Is eternally sacred, and that his sister, Arin Sur, who Is believed to be dead In the actual Green Lantern series, goes back Into time and has not yet found the bond between Cyborg and other fellow DC Universe characters. Sinestro then arrives onto earth to warn Abin Sur about the incidents that took place In the Blackest Night days. Sinestro and Abin Sur must team together to defeat Nekron. With Killwog found dead, Abin Sur Is the last hope. So Sinestro and Abin Sur have a talk with the Guardians of the universe to have a talk about the next move, but the Guardians have a much different agenda In mind.

Upon the planet earth, there are over 6 million lives at stake. The Guardians are doing everything In their power to make sure sector 2814 which Is In serious doubt by Abin Sur. Theres a White Entity that floats upon the universe and everything within power must be stopped from getting within the hands of Nekron. Abin then takes a ship to earth for safety, which Is then Attacked by a source of Purple energy. Meanwhile Sinestro Is on the planet Ysmault, home of the Red Lantern Corps. Come to find out, there Is only one Red Lantern left and thats Attrocious, whom Is now Sinestro's prisoner. Since Attrocious Is responsible for the release of Nekron and killing others In the Blackest Night, he will be held responsible for the trail of Flashpoint.

This Is a good first read. I could tell they focused the look of Abin Sur and Sinestro based on the upcoming Green Lantern movie. The artwork Is fantastic. The Flashpoint series Is definitely looking to be a great ongoing series for the summer of 2011. Good read for anyone who Is Into Blackest Night series, especially If you want a new follow up In the DC Universe.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Invision Comics: Genecy #1 by Gerald Cooper. Review by Marcmann comics

There are alot of Indie titles out there In the comic world today. Some good, some bad, and others are in between. Alot of the times I find myself reading indie titles that are in between. Boring story lines, bland artwork,  and just a not so great concept. However, I recently fell Into one title that caught my eye. I have been seeing his work on facebook for quite some time now and I gotta say, this guy definitely has potential. Gerald Cooper reached out to me and brought to the table something interesting. A concept I haven't heard or seen. He brought me "Genecy".

part 1 starts off as The Chosen, the cosmic tale of very powerful Barbarians. The introduction states the nation known as Grunnod, which instincts are to steal the freedom and joy that lies within other galaxys. story, both In which are prisoners. The Grunnods are on a search to find a defiant sheppard which holds great ancient power. Geshema captures one of the prisoners and finds himself being scorched In a high pitch blast. He survives the blast and gives Kaizaxx a key which unlocks a drastic amount of unremarkable powers. Kaizaxxx then reaches another destination planet, then the journey really begins.

I really enjoyed the creativity of this comic. As Gerald would like to quote: "Conan meets the Silver Surfer". Great concept, the artwork Is outstanding, the story lines build up to It's actual potential. Kudos to Eddy Barrows on the Illustration and design. This book definitely has a great cornerstone for further Issues and I would recommend that anyone who Is a fan of Sci-fi or any type of fantasy novel should definitely check this out. For fans of Hercules, Conan, Silver Surfer, and Thanos. If you would like to check out Gerald Cooper and Invision comics you can contact him at:


Marcmann Comics

Monday, June 13, 2011

Flashpoint: Part 1 of 5 review by Marcmann

Batman, Superman, the Joker, Wonder Woman......these are all names we are familiar with In the comic book world. But now, this past May, Dc Comics has brought yet another series of superheroes alike. Bringing the forefront of names that may come off more familiar: (Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman), here comes another series entitled: Flashpoint. Story by Geoff Johns.

Part 1 starts off the story of Barry Allen: a young scientist realizes that his world has changed alot since his past. He has alot of haunting memories and he has to gain back those good times. The beginning would often leave you wondering just exactly what Is wrong with him. When he became the flash, he found a family, a wife, and really good friends( Justice League of America). Barry awakes from a dream from pulling an all nighter. The case of trying to solve the murder of Miss Alchemy and the involvement of Citizen Cold and the Rogues (Read Brightest Day series).

Meanwhile, In Gotham City, Batman seeks out revenge for the Joker as he kidnapped judge Dent's twins. He then encounters one of his nemesis, the Yo Yo. As Batman seeks answers and lets Yo Yo off the top of a building. Cyborg from Teen Titans comes to rescue her and catch her from falling. Cyborg spends a good deal of his time trying to organize a team to destory Wonder Woman and Aquaman before 2 bad worlds collide and destroy an entire planet. Everyone Is In line to vote: ( Element Woman, Abin Sur,Tthe Outsider, etc) and even Citizen Cold!!! Although Citizen Cold Is a huge rival towards a good deal of the DC characters, they still agreed to take teams.A surprise by Captain Thunder was even In appearance.  When Batman was offered to join by Cyborg, Batman refused and felt they didn't stand a chance.

Flashpoint Issue 1 by Geoff Johns.
Barry Allen then meets Batman for the first time as Barry Allen enters Gotham city and Is viciously attacked. Barry then realizes that the real Bruce Wayne Is dead and It Is Thomas Wayne who Is the new Batman. Part 1 Is a very anticipated issue for me. I enjoyed It and I plan on keeping up with the ongoing 5 part series. Geoff Johns Is a excellent writer and Im a fan of his Brightest Day/Blackest Night series as well. Kudos to Andy Kubert on the cover as well. This Is a series that has been anticipated In the DC universe and there Is more to come. Flashpoint Is a great read and Is for fans of any DC or Flash title. Highly recommended.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Adventures of Marcmann blog and comics now up.

Hello and thank you for checking out my blog. I go by the name Marcmann and Im a writer, graphic designer, artist, and all around comic book, bbw lover, wrestling fanatic,pepperoni pizza eating guy. I reside In the wonderful city of Atlanta and I love It. I will be posting videos, reviews, artwork, interviews, and a ton of other fun and crazy apps so stay tuned. Thank you and enjoy......